Covering the modern era of the classic Colorforms Space Aliens action figures. Presented in association with Not an official site. Visit for more.
Continuing a holiday tradition (for two years now), Electron+ comes to you in a clear colorless plastic-- this is only the second completely "clear" figure in the line, the first being last year's Galactic Holiday Xodiac. This time around, the figure features painted eyes, bright blue accessories... and not much else. Arguably, he's the best of the bunch. [ FULL REVIEW ]
They're here! Rounding out the deliveries for this line in 2011, the Galactic Holiday 2011 figures arrived. As previously reported they include blue helmets, purple helmets, or a random mix-- I elected for "random mix" and will be reviewing these over the coming weeks as slots in our Figure of the Day column permits!
Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Beta Series Mystron Action FigureThe redder, the better! I expected the first clear release of the Outer Space Men Mystron, the Man from Hollow Earth to be red and the Horsemen surprised me by making it clear, smokey grey. Thankfully, they made the devilish being in a really nice clear red for the second release, more or less satisfying my demands for alternate color schemes until the real, painted version shipped. [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]
Straight from the Four Horsemen on Twitter: "Good news & not so great news: Galactic Holiday OSM 3&4 shipped out today. Infinity Edition OSM 3&4 won't be in stock until about Dec. 28th"
I got my shipping notice earlier today, so at least we've got something on deck for the new year too.
He's an angel! Commander Comet, the Man from Venus comes from an era where women in the action toy aisle were far more unwelcome than they are now-- and that's saying something! Today it seems almost unthinkable that you'd have anything but a female delegate from Venus, but back in the 1960s it was determined that the line's chief hero would come from the somewhat but not really similar-to-Earth planet, playing off the cloud motif with an angel-like presence. This version of the figure-- the first release of the mold-- brings back most of what made the original so striking, save the paint. [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]
Over at Store Horsemen are the Galactic Holiday 2011 Figures. They're up for pre-order now and, as previously reported, available with turquoise or lavender accessories-- or random! (I picked random.) A post on the Horsemen forum alluded to these going fast... which... well, you can still get the 2010 guys. But they did run out of the 2010 Infinity Series finally (for now) so you might not want to wait too much. A set of the 4 figures (not including both variants) will set you back about $63.
While no pricing has been listed just yet, the Four Horsemen posted shots of all 4 (technically 8) flavors of their new holiday figures, due to ship real soon. Mystron is green, Electron+ is clear colorless, Alpha 7 is blue, and Commander Comet is, oddly, red.
Pre-orders start Monday, and there are turquoise or lavender accessories. You can pick this time! They look really nice.