More pics later! Some quick notes from the 30 seconds I've had them out of the shipping box - Orbitron is astonishingly bright and cheery, while the metallic Cyclops may be one of the most gorgeous things I've sever seen. If you normally store your toys in the dark (like me!) be sure to take them near a window or some sunlight because you may well be impressed.
It's a nice batch, but every non-clear piece of plastic is completely covered in paint to hide the white plastic. A lot of Masters of the Universe Classics figures as of late were cast in black and painted, and with the Outer Space Men the results are largely positive. Cyclops looks amazing, although metallic paint's long-term prognosis is up for grabs - I've got a C-3PO from 2000 that turned green and molted. Orbitron looks wonderful. Gemini's yellow looks a little dirty, but it could be my imagination. Cyclops will make you weep.
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