
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New Outer Space Men Vehicles Coming a bit of news that's both welcome and ridiculous, the official Outer Space Men Instagram has announced 12-inch scale vehicles.  Now that 3 3/4-inch figures are about $30 and 12-inch vinyl figures are $120 - so a vehicle could be easily $200 or more.
No specifics or release dates were given, but do pay heed to the warning shot that fans of the line could be tapped for a significant wad of cash to keep the line complete going forward.
If for any reason they don't make it out in that giant size, I for one would be very happy to see some of the mini vehicle concepts from 50  years ago realized in a cheaper, less space-intensive format.  I'm excited to hopefully get my 12-inch sofubi figures soon, but if that line actually continues to completion I assume it will take up far more space than I would like - and that's before vehicles or alternate colorways come in to play.

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