
Monday, August 20, 2012

Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators: Four Horsemen Edition

If you're looking for something new, the last couple of months have been fantastic for Outer Space Men fans!  Pictured above are the recently delivered Cosmic Creators Four Horsemen Edition figures which debuted at their show in New York last year... which I swear I never saw there.  From left to right are Neonautilus, Megamorpho, Glowdiac, and Phospherno in colors which, depending on whom you ask, recall Major Matt Mason's alien buddies or Transformers Generation 2.

Either way, I think they're pretty fantastic.  The clear green accessories are similar in color to the Alpha Phase 2012 figures, and while the previous Cosmic Creators and just-released 2.0 figures look great in person, these neon-ish releases are unquestionably different from the last ones.   You really won't see anything else like this out there right now.

Since I'm off doing convention coverage this week, we'll be posting some automated updates looking at the 2.0 releases starting tomorrow.   I gotta say, like the first batch of Cosmic Creators, these are more expensive and worth it.  If you love you some Outer Space Men, and I do, so I'm pretty happy right now!

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